Penguin Fun!

First, a fun story...

Before we begin our project - let's listen to the story "Tacky The Penguin" by Helen Lesser, illustrated by Lynn Munsinger.

Penguins are cute and funny creatures and Tacky is a particularly funny penguin. As the story says, Tacky is a very odd bird!

Now let's draw some penguins...

For our project, we'll draw some penguins using Tacky and his friends for inspiration. Watch the intro video for options for our different grade levels. It might be easier for our TK students for draw one larger penguin. For our on-campus Kindergarten students, this will go onto your December calendar so be sure to have your paper as in the video - wide, not tall. Then follow along with the lesson in the 2 videos below.

You will need:

  • white paper

  • pencil and eraser to draw with

  • crayons

  • watercolor paint (if available)

Penguin Fun - part 1

Penguin Fun - part 2

Three Cheers for Tacky

If you enjoyed the story about Tacky and his friends, here is another.

In Three Cheers for Tacky, Tacky and his friends enter the great Penguin Cheering Contest - Tacky is a very odd bird!