Getting started...

Below are a couple of activities before we begin our art lessons. We need to gather our supplies and make a sketch book.

Here, I show you some of the supplies I have and how I like to keep them organized.

Art Supply Scavenger Hunt

To create art, we will need some supplies - but you don’t need anything fancy and most of these you will probably already have to home! For our lessons we will use a variety of supplies but I will give you alternatives to the supplies/materials I will be using.

So let’s begin by having a scavenger hunt - an Art Supply Scavenger Hunt! See what you have at home, perhaps gather the supplies together into a single container that you can pull out when we do our lessons together or when you want to be creative. It will also help to know what you have before you start each project or activity.

Here are some of the supplies you can look for at home: -

Pencils and erasers

Paper - various types can be used, white or color

Color - Crayons, Colored pencils, Markers, Paints - watercolor set and a brush, oil pastels

Black Sharpie/permanent marker

Glue - liquid glue, glue stick

Tape - scotch tape, masking tape

Making a Sketchbook

A sketchbook is always really useful when creating art.

You can use your sketchbook to work out your ideas, write down notes for a project, experiment with supplies as well as for practicing your drawing skills.

You can buy a sketchbook but they're really to make and in this video I will show you how.

You will need several sheets of white paper and, if you have it, a sheet of colored or heavier weight paper for the cover. You'll also need something to hold the pages together - a stapler or a hole punch with string or fasteners.