
Teacher sitting checking paper tests but with a red circle and slash NO symbol overlaid on top of the image..

The purpose of this webquest is to assist teachers in taking their testing from paper to Schoology. Schoology is an online Learning Management System (LMS). Schoology allows teachers to share digital materials with their students as well as collect assignments online. It also allows for online test/assessment delivery which will be the focus of this webquest.

With Schoology having a built in online test delivery the teacher can replace what was commonly done as paper pencil testing. A big bonus to this online testing is that within Schoology you can randomize the answer choices and question order. Another benefit of Schoology's online testing is that it will grade most question types for you and provide a bit of data for each question the teacher can use to analyze once students have completed the test. So with a little work getting your testing setup within Schoology you can eliminate the time spent manually checking tests and use that time for more beneficial purposes.