App Lock

This tool is designed to be used to lock students into a single specific app. It is very similar to the Study Apps but limited to allowing one app at a time. It can also be used for online testing and I like to use it to lock students into Schoology when doing testing. This allows them full access of items in Schoology but will not allow them outside of the Schoology app to search the web for answers. Follow the steps below to set up and begin use of this tool.

  1. Open the App Lock tool by clicking on this choice.
  2. Click on the Find App button and you get the same window you did in the Study Apps menu item to choose the app.
  3. You can find the different apps depending on what category of the Filtering the apps by: menu they fall under. Native apps, the Loomis ASM apps, or Search the App Store.
  4. When you have selected the app and clicked on the check mark in the top right it will add it to the app list showing recent apps you have used in the App Lock tool.
  5. Select the app you want to lock students in to highlight it.
  6. You can choose to release the App Lock feature when class ends or set a specific duration for it that would release the feature before the class ends.
  7. Click the Apply App Lock button to lock students into that single app.
  8. There is no slider toggle for this feature as it is applied or removed from within the App Lock menu window.