Contained within the sections under this page are things related to using our Learning Management System of Schoology. Use the menu to navigate to the different sections.

Schoology provides several valuable support links with screenshots and short videos to help you through nearly any task within the Schoology LMS.

Students Signing into Schoology through a Web Browser:

Use this link: and enter your Google account credentials.

Or use the following process from the page:

Single Sign-On (SSO) Login (Enterprise Only)

Single Sign-On, or SSO, allows you to log in to Schoology using a password shared by another system, such as Google Apps, Office 365, or another system at your school. If you're unsure if your school uses SSO, check with your instructor or one of your Support Contacts.

If your school or organization authenticates users with SSO, follow these steps:

  1. Go to

  2. Click SSO Login at the bottom right corner.

  3. Enter your school name. A green arrow to the right of your school's name indicates that your school uses SSO for login.

  4. Select your school from the list.

  5. Check the box to Remember my School (optional). This setting saves your school on the current device and browser.

  6. Click Log in.

  7. You will be brought to a Google login page to enter your Google account credentials.