Classroom Tools Menu

Shows the icons for the tools of the Classroom app

All of the following tools can be applied to the whole group or individually to specific students by clicking on their icon and using the tool from the pop up menu. You can read a little about each of these Classroom Menu Tools below and view the video below that to see a demonstration of them in use from the teacher iPad perspective.

Open Applications Tool

    1. Clicking on the icon for this tool brings up a menu that will allow you to select an app to open on student iPads.
    2. The menu will display recent apps that have been opened and several others if you scroll up.
    3. A scroll pulling down will reveal a search box where you can type to search for an app.
    4. If you are wanting to lock the students into the app after opening you must click on the slider toggle at the bottom before clicking the app!
    5. You will then have to click on the Unlock tool to release any that you have locked into an app should you want to allow them to navigate their device to other items.

Navigate Tools

    1. Clicking on this tool brings up a menu that allows you to a specific book within the Books app, iTunes U, or a website in Safari from your devices bookmarks.
    2. Again you can choose to lock in the app after opening using the slider toggle before selecting the place you are navigating the students devices to.

Lock Tool (Quick tip Infographic)

    1. Clicking this tool allows the teacher to lock students iPad screens and not see anything. Much like the Head Up feature in the Mosyle Manager app but without the personalized message.
    2. The tool then changes to Unlock so you can release the students to be able to navigate their iPad again.

Mute Tool

    1. Clicking this tool will mute the volume on students iPads.

Screens Tool

    1. Clicking this tool will change the view of the individual iPads in the Classroom menu to show their present screens rather than a student image and the app they are in.
    2. This can be used to watch and oversee what students are doing on the iPads when they are supposed to be working on a given task.
    3. You can then see students screens that aren't doing as they are supposed to be and click on them to individually apply the controls above to put limitations on them.

Group Tool

    1. This tool allows you to create smaller groupings to help more easily in applying different tools to specific groups to better manage students iPads during the class session.
    2. There are two ways to create a group.
      • Click on the Group tool icon creating a new Group and then type in a name for the Group and click enter. Then you can touch the student device icons to select them for the group. Once you have those you want selected click Done in the top right corner.
      • Click on Select in the top right corner. Touch the student device icons to select those that you want to create in a Group. Once you have those you want selected click Done in the top right corner the Group tool and then name the Group.
    3. You can create and name multiple groups so that you can more easily click on that group above the students device icons and then apply a tool command to all those in that group without having to select them each time from the All group. This could be useful for creating a group with students that are often off task and perhaps have a shorter leash in what you allow for them when working on the iPads.
    4. To Remove a Group you can just touch and hold on it's icon until you see the Remove option come up. You can also click on the Edit in the top right corner and add or remove students from a Group once it has been created.
    5. Groups created in a session should remain and be in the menu the next time you start a class session again.

Apple Classroom Tools Menu

Teacher Device

This video shows a screen recording of the teacher iPad as a demonstration of how to use the different tools within the Apple Classroom app. The uses of the different tools and how to use them for the whole group and individually is shown within.

The corresponding video of the student device is shown below.

Apple Classroom Tools Menu

Teacher Device

This video shows the corresponding screen recording of the student iPad as a demonstration of how to use the different tools within the Apple Classroom app was done on a teacher device.

The video above is the corresponding video from the teacher device.