Impact 27

Raise awareness on Cyber Bullying

Description of the project: Our group "Cyber Guards" visited multiple schools all over Moka to talk about cyberbullying. We wanted to spread awareness and prepared a short video, a speech, and some fun activities for the students to make it both a fun and educative experience. Together we visited 6 schools Adolphe de Plevitz - La Laura, st Pierre, Mont. Ory GS, Saint Mary RCA, Clavis, and Moka GS and reached our goal of spreading awareness. We also created our very own Cyber Guards logo which we used for printing our own shirts. We then wore those shirts during the week as we wanted people to recognize us as a team. At each school we interviewed the head of school to hear about their opinion of the topic and recorded it as part of our montage which we created at the end once our project was complete.

No. of Participants: We are a team of 22 cyber guards


Sponsor: LBIS