Career and Technical Education Programs

Ohio College Tech Prep Career Technical Programs prepares students for high skill, high demand technical careers in a competitive global economy. Rigorous educational pathways emphasize math, science and technology and lead to post secondary education. Educators, employers and communities collaborate to develop and deliver Tech Prep opportunities to all Ohio students.

Articulation Agreements

High school students get a head start and graduate from a Career Technical Program equipped with choices: continue their education with knowledge in their chosen field, start their career, or do both at the same time. All programs include college credit that transfers to a community college or other higher learning institutions upon graduation when completing the appropriate course work.

Industry Alignment/Credentials

As Ohio’s economy continues to recover, Career and Technical Education is part of the solution. CTE educates and prepares Ohio secondary students for many high-skilled, increasingly technical jobs that are going unfilled. LHS Career and Technical programs offer customized training programs that create partnerships between industry and educators that benefit both the local employer and students. Most career-technical programs offer industry certifications and/or college credit. Specific industry certifications are now part of one of three pathways towards graduation as approved by ODE.


The Pre-Apprenticeship program teaches basic technical and job-readiness skills for a designated apprentice occupation or sector to prepare students for a formal Registered Apprenticeship training program. All programs must be registered and approved by the Ohio Apprenticeship Council. See your school counselor or a Career Tech instructor for more information. For the 2021-22 school year, we are anticipating opportunities in the Construction pathway.

Career & Technical Program Course Offerings - 2022-2023 rev.6.17.2022