Career Connection

963G - Career Connection - 1-4 credits

· Full Year - Selected - Grade 12

Career Connection (CC) is a course designed to provide students with individual study and on the job training in skilled and semi-skilled occupations. One period per day is spent in the CC classroom, where students have an opportunity to study areas in finance that impact them due to employment and/or future employment. Classroom work will involve the study of finance and career employment that will help prepare students for career and post-secondary opportunities. This course will provide training for the development of skills that supports the students transition to post school environments, including employment, postsecondary education, independent living, or community participation. Students will complete the RISE UP customer service curriculum. Successful completion and passing scores on required assessments may result in the student earning a 12 Point Industry Recognized Credential.

In the afternoon students would be permitted to leave the building for chosen occupation or some related work, or volunteer experience. The student’s employment must be improved by the CC Coordinator.