Phase 3 Enrichment Clubs

Term 5 Lunchtime Play

There was a big discussion during a School Council Meeting about Leisure time in school.  Student representatives requested more activities and that all students could have this time together rather than staggered.  Our Lunchtime play, is organised into 4 areas, where staff engage students in activities to support their social and communication development and achieve their PSPD targets.

During Module 1, Our Student Council discussed the clubs they would like to have at lunchtime.  Daisy asked peers which clubs they would be interested in.  The Sparta class used a maths lesson learning about statistics to ask their peers what clubs they would like and created tally charts and bar graphs.  The information is different because some students showed the information from just one class they asked where as the other students were displaying the choices of the whole phase.

These clubs have been successful, so have remained in Module 3 and 4. 

Harvey really enjoyed the bubbles, relaxing music and lighting in our Mindfullness club.

This the first Mindfullness club for this term and a selection of students enjoyed the ambience in the room and chilling out together.

Jakirul really enjoyed the bubbles in our Mindfulness class.

Noah enjoyed laying in the soft canoe and enjoying the bubbles, lighting and quiet music,lighting during the Mindfullness club.

Our Chat and Chomp snack time Monday club is allowing for lots of communication and interaction.

Dartford Football Club provide football coaching to our students 

Enjoying the sunshine, with the tower challenge at lunchtime.