Saxon Class

Stream Pathway

Check out what Saxon Class got up to last year!

Saxon Class 2023-2024

Saxon Class is a high needs class which follow the Stream pathway. In Saxons the students are supported to work on their individual learning plan targets (ILP’s) which are differentiated for each student and focus on all curriculum areas and their individual Provision Plan targets. The targets in each of these areas are broken down into small steps and worked on frequently through exploring sensory materials, a variety of manipulatives and the activities are worked on in different learning environments in and around school. 

Across the day students in Saxons have regular sensory regulation time and enjoy movement breaks around school & in outdoor areas. This helps our students to maintain an appropriate level of alertness, in order to respond appropriately across environments to the sensory stimuli present and the learning activity which they will be supported to complete.

Saxon Class students enjoy weekly community participation experiences; where independence & life skills can be worked on when we are out in the local community and when we go to the supermarket to purchase items on our shopping list for the Phase 3 Tuck shop.