Module 4, Sparta 24

Transdisciplinary Theme

How the World Works

An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human society;​how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. 

Central Idea

People have found different ways to solve problems in the world

Lines of Inquiry

Events around the World impact my life.

 What we want may be different to what we need

In a world where you can be anything be kind

Religion, government and charities help all people to have equal opportunities

Key Concepts

Change - We understand that - process  - one state to another - change affects everything

Causation - We understand that things don’t just happen. Actions have consequences and relationships are at work.

Responsible - We understand that we can make choices based on what we know and understand, as well as what we believe. We can say which ideas are important to us, and we can take actions that make a difference. 

Connection - We understand that everything in the world is linked and the actions of one thing affects many more??

Learner Profile attributes  

Thinker - We learn to solve problems in our daily lives with increasing independence and recognise cause and effect within our actions. 

Inquirer - We show an interest in the world around us through our actions or our words.

Risk Taker. - We experience new things and make choices that might lead to new experiences. We become more confident in less familiar contexts.

Our learning this term involves understanding slavery and how this has impacted our societies.

Students used Atlases to help label the countries and continents involved in the Triangular Slave trade.  Some Students learned how to use coordinates to pinpoint specific towns.  Students also identified what commodities each country traded and expressed how the treatment of the Africans made them feel.

Students investigated how the African Slaves got through their difficult days and found out that they sang songs about their experiences, which also had cryptic messages with instructions of how to escape.

Our Morning recall work has targeted learning multiplication and division.   We are currently recalling times tables facts using counting on, arrays and times tables.

Students learned about finding 1/2s, 1/4, they have also learned what unit and non fractions are.  

In our Science lessons we did a practical investigation to find out what is an acid and what is an alkalis

In P.E., Maria took our lesson, we played games of Buccia and Kurling; organising our own teams and structure of the game and showing great sportsmanship at the end.