Term 3

Central Idea for Term 3

In term 3,  the central idea for learning is "Civilisations are influenced by the journeys and migrations of others in the past". We attempt to link all our learning to this idea through one of the following lines of inquiry:

Students were all assigned an ancient civilisation to study. They were encouraged to look for a feature of that civilisation which is still in use (in some way) today. This is some of the great work which they produced.

English Lessons

The English lesson group has continued to study the book "The Song From Somewhere Else" which they started last term. While it doesn't have direct links to past civilisations, its fantasy element does lead to discussions about what aspects of our lives may exist in other worlds.

Students were asked to think about the emotions of the main character Frank (Francesca) as she reflects on her actions which led to the discovery of this mystical world.

In the book, actions which were taken in the past by characters' parents are having a direct outcome on the choices in front of the main characters - this has fit perfectly with the theme for this term!

Science Rocks!

This term in Science, Turing has been studying Rocks and Weathering. After learning the names of the three types of natural rocks, students made models of the rock cycle using chocolate! Thankfully, they were able to take their rock cycle models home afterwards to enjoy them too!

Sedimentary rock

Layers of shaved and grated chocolate with presure added to them helped model sedimentary rock.

Igneous Rock

The students used their already made sedimentary rock and melted it. This modeled the heat from the Earth's core which melts rock into igneous rock.

Metamorphic Rock

Igneous and sedimentary rock which had heat and pressure added to them helped model metamorphic rock.

The Silk Road

Following the line of inquiry: Global communities were connected in the past and are still connected today.

Student have learnt that The Silk Road was neither an actual road nor a single route. The term refers to a network of routes used by traders for more than 1,500 years. The term describes the well-traveled pathway of goods between Europe and East Asia.  Understanding how goods were traded then helps students to understand why were have more modern trade routes - explainign why were are fortunate to enjoy so many textiles and spices from around the world!