Saxon Module 4 2023/24

Transdisciplinary Theme: Where we are in place & time

Central Idea: People have learned by travelling around the world

Lines of Inquiry:

Key Concepts:

Learner Attributes:

                    I think about my learning and choices.

Saxon Class enjoyed exploring a variety of textures & smells in sensory trays, as part of Red Nose Day activities. The pupils followed 3-4 key word symbolised & verbal instructions to make red cornflour gloop, fluffy scented cloud dough and make strawberry flavoured Angel Delight. Lots of fun for the pupils and the adults in class too!

With the warmer weather approaching, Saxon Class have taken part in a number of sports activities outside on the field. We have been playing football, throw & catch, tennis, bowling and worked on our target skills playing 'tin cans' to see who can knock over the most with a beanbag!

With Easter just around the corner, Saxon class made rice crispy cakes topped with mini eggs. Pupils worked on their receptive targets, listening to key instructions to join in with the task and also their fine motors skills in using a pincer grip when handling different utensils.

In Sensory Art Saxons have observed the effect of paint when blowing through straws over a picture of a whale, to see if they could create the shape of the whale once the template was removed.

Saxon Class have been exploring different countries around the world during our sensory stories of 'Around the World with Max & Lemon' and 'Saxon Class Travel Around the World'. Pupils have been experiencing a variety of foods, music and traditions from a diverse range of world cultures.