Independent Work Mrs. Japko


Read a book/article of your choice for 20 minutes and write a one sentence summary on a google document about what you read. Include the title and use proper punctuation. Please submit your work to google classroom.

Math: Complete: Ordering Decimals 7.3 worksheets p 44-45 They are posted on Google Classroom. Please upload your completed work.

**Finish Cricket in Times Square comprehension questions for chapter 13. It is posted on google classroom. Some students skipped this assignment.

Work on your biography slides.


Read Newsela article and answer the questions. You can write the letters for your answers. - The assignment is located on google classroom.

Math Complete IXL T15, work on Biography slides


Read a book/article of your choice for 20 minutes and write a short summary on a google document about what you read. Include the title and use proper punctuation. Please submit your work to google classroom.

Math: Complete Math workbook pages 13-14. Upload your work on google classroom.


math- Complete IXL 13

Spelling - Complete Proofread an Ad page 213. Upload your completed work to google classroom.

Complete Cricket in Times Square Comprehension question for Chapter 14.

Friday : Finish up Friday- Please finish up any uncompleted work from this week.

Early Finishers work: Only complete if you finished your other assignments.

You may login to readworks and read and answer questions for Earth Science Volcanoes and The Circus Comes to Town. Remember to TTQA and use text evidence on the written answers. You have assignments posted on google classroom. You can also work on previous readworks assignments. They are posted on google classroom.

4B class code RGNH6B

4C class code LK2QEJ

Reading: IXL - complete analyzing informational text- passages about animals- It is starred.

Math :IXL complete T 14 and T15


Write an ad offering something for sale. Think about who would like to purchase the item. Include a description of the item and the advantages of purchasing it. Try to include 3 possessive plurals in your ad.

Technology: Work on your Biography slides.