Friday April 3 - Judaic

Today at 11:00!

Click here to join!

If you have these items at home, please bring them to the Model Seder:

  1. A haggadah

  2. A plate

  3. A napkin

  4. A cup

  5. Grape Juice

  6. A vegetable

  7. Salt water

  8. Something bitter

  9. 3 Crackers

  10. A snack for Shulchan Orech


Hey 4th grade! Happy Friday!

Please watch the Parsha video clip and then answer the questions below.

Shabbat Shalom!

Dvar Torah & Cheese Cake :)

דבר תורה - פרשת צו

Watch the video to learn the Dvar Torah with Levi.

Come hang with the Hendels and bake some cheese cake.

Click here to print the Dvar Torah puzzle piece.

Print it back to back and cut out. (Don't feel bad if you can't.)