Tuesday April 21 Judaic Studies

היום יום שלישי כז ניסן תש"פ - יב לעומר

Zoom Chumash Lesson @12:00 - Yosef's Dreams

Vayeishev 37 Pesukim 5-11.pdf

פרשת וישב פרק לז פסוקים ה-יא

Click here to join the Zoom Meeting.

Meeting ID: 973 1336 4521

Come to class with your Chumash, Workbook and a pencil.


We will continue to learn about Yom Haatzmaut.

You will need the following things:

  1. Your "Yisroel V'Yerushalayim B'kitah Hameuchedet" workbook

  2. Pencil


Please take out your workbook as you watch the video lesson - so that you could follow along and do the workbook pages together.

Good luck!