Tuesday 4/28

Mrs. Kowalski

Mini Zoom meeting at 9:00 am

Yom HaAtzmaut

Persuade others to visit Israel

Your assignment today is to write a persuasive paragraph encouraging others to visit Israel

What would you tell someone about Israel who has never been there before? What words would use to persuade them to want go visit or perhaps even move there?

  1. log onto www.getepic.com/sign-in and click on students/educators

  2. Enter Class Code: lsp8386 and Click on your name/icon

  3. Read the Book: ISRAEL If you do not see it, click on the mailbox in the tool bar at the top of the page.

  4. Using the jkha outline Write out 4 details (or more).persuading others to visit Israel. Include a Topic sentences and a concluding sentence.

  5. On a google doc (or hand write on a piece of loose leaf paper) write your paragraph persuading others to visit or move to Israel. Include pictures, different fonts etc. to make your paragraph stand out.

We will share our paragraphs tomorrow during zoom!

LS Quick Outline
Israel Paragraph


Fractions folder: p.33 & 34

snap a picture and send to morah jordana for checking

Please send Morah Jordana a picture of all of yesterday's work if you did not do so.

Cricket, Math folder assignments, spelling and word wisdom Thank you!