Judaic Studies

Chumash Lessons

Vayishlach Perek 35 Pesukim Hey thru Chet - Workbook Answer Key.pdf

Chumash Lesson #1

Get Ready to Review:

פרשת וישלח פרק ל"ה פסוקים ה-ח: "המסע לבית ק-ל"

Use the Answer Key for Chumash Workbook pages 142-147 to see if you completed these pages correctly.

Chumash Lesson #2

Watch the video and then follow this activity:

פרשת וישלח פרק ל"ה פסוקים ט-ט"ו: "שינוי שם יעקב"

You will need:

1) Pencil and highlighter

2) Chumash Workbook pages 149-156

Ivrit Lesson

Happy Wednesday 4th grade!

Today we will be reading one of our Tal Am books on Pesach.

The book you will need is "האם כבר הגיע האביב"

You will need the following things:

  1. Pesach Choveret

  2. Pencil

  3. Highlighter

Please watch this link and follow along while we read


Then you will do work book pages 8-9- and watch the link below to help guide you