Independent Work Mrs. Japko


Read a book/article of your choice for 20 minutes and write a one sentence summary on a google document about what you read. Include the title and use proper punctuation. Please submit your work to google classroom.


Math Complete IXL T9

work on Biography slides

Wednesday Read a book/article of your choice for 20 minutes and write a short summary on a google document about what you read. Include the title and use proper punctuation. Please submit your work to google classroom.

Complete Proofreading a Diary Entry on page 207 in your spelling workbook. Please upload your work to google classroom.

Work on your Biography slides.


math- Complete math workbook pages 9-10 . Submit a photo of your work to google classroom.

Complete Cricket in Times Square Comprehension question for Chapter 13.

Friday : Finish up Friday- Please finish up any uncompleted work from this week.

Early Finishers work: Only complete if you finished your other assignments.

You may login to readworks and read and answer questions for Why am I so Tired? and Weather and Climate article set. Remember to TTQA and use text evidence on the written answers.

4B class code RGNH6B

4C class code LK2QEJ

Math :IXL complete G 1 & 2

Writing: Write a diary entry on a google document and upload it to google classroom. The purpose of the entry is to help you remember an important personal experience and how you felt. Try and write about something that happened recently. The entry should be at least a paragraph long. You may include a photo or drawing.