Monday 5/4 Mrs. Japko

Time for Kids May 1.pdf
7.2 Decimals part 205032020_0001.pdf

Mrs. Japko 4B & 4C

Good morning,

May the 4th be with you!

Please join me for our zoom. You will need paper and pencil. The math PDF is optional. We will review any questions you had on Friday's assignment.

4B - 11:00 am

4C - 11:30

Math: Part of our math lesson is our zoom. The other assignment is to complete IXL T4.

Spelling: Write a spelling story (at least a paragraph) using as many as possible spelling words words from last weeks words. The story should make sense and use proper grammar. The story is due on Thursday. Please send it to

Spelling Words:

February, March, April, June, July, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, January, May, August, September, October, November, December, calendar, Tuesday, Thursday

Bonus words

bimonthly, biweekly, daily, Memorial Day

Time For Kids- Read the magazine and complete the google form. Select one article and write a summary. It should answer the question words (who, what, where, why and when) and include details from the article. Send the summary to