Population Growth

Population growth or overpopulation is the problem of too many things (mainly people) in one area ( Earth). The problem is as too many people are born and humans being humans used fossil fuel causing climate change, primarily due to the burning fossil fuels (like coal, oil, and gas) which produce heat trapping gases.

The history of overpopulation

The first real spark in overpopulation was between 1750 to 1950 due to the industrial revolution new forms of medicine were created causing a spark in population. In the 1760s lets say a woman had five children. Five children was the normal amount in the 1760s but out of the five children only two would make it to adult hood. But when the modern medicine came in they started to have more children reach adulthood. Now as time goes by the net gain of children (amount of children a woman has) is only 2.5. But keep in mind you can have more then 2.5 children or just 2.

In. “Overpopulation – the Human Explosion Explained.” YouTube, 22 Dec. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsBT5EQt348. Accessed 31 Mar. 2022.

Now that you are hopefully all caught up on the history of overpopulation, I think we should talk about a group trying to stop overpopulation the UNFPA. The UNFPA or United Nations population fund is a group working to fix overpopulation. Click this link to visit their UNFPA website.

Over population today, vs back then

As you have seen overpopulation is a big and fast growing problem that needs to be fixed immediately. Like we have just talked about, the UNFPA is working hard to fix this massive problem and are even starting to recruit young adults (teenagers).

Below, is a graph on overpopulation growth over the years, and what scientist think the population amount will be by the 2100's. But why is population growth, at a massive state right now? Well, the biggest problem is the decreasing death rate, which in some cases can be good but it effects us dramatically. I know what you must be thinking, isn't the birth rate increasing faster? As you might think this, this is not true and that just shows how greatly the increase of death really is! For example, back in the 1700's the average age a person would die at was about 48 years old! Crazy right? Today the average age a person would die at is 79! Now, I'm not a mathematician but that is a 31 years difference!

Thank you for reading this slide about overpopulation. Overall, overpopulation is a big deal and if we don't do something to stop it, it may nip us in the butt. I've also heard a lot off people ask, "How can teenagers help?" One of the ways that comes to mind is they could join the UNFPA.