Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Trashing and polluting our earth is one of our worlds major problems. An average person makes about 4.4 pounds of trash everyday, meanwhile 75% is recyclable, only about 30% actually get's recycled .With all that being said we should learn more effective ways and eco friendly ways to help our earth. So here are some facts and strategies to help our earth become clean and healthy again.

Even counting the recyclable part plastic take over a year to decompose meanwhile metal won't decompose at all leaving only plastic cardboard and paper to be decomposable and some plastic and cardboard even paper can be harmful because it might have something on it that hurts animals even if they don't eat it.

100 mill marine animals die in a year from plastic and contaminated waters. Probably because 14 million tons are being dumped into the ocean in one year. So the littlies you can do can help millions of innocents animals being killed.
