Dog Abuse

One of the four most common abused animals is man's best friend. Yup, that's right...dogs. On this page, most of the information will be linked to all dog breeds, but there is also one dog breed that we will be focusing on the most. This breed is the American pit bull.

The pit bull breed is the most amount in shelters, the most amount euthanized, and the most abused dog overall.

Now many people don't feel bad for these dogs because they believe that these dogs are dangerous and untrustworthy. There have been 3,397 attacks from pit bulls that have been counted, and there have been 295 deaths over the last 32 year period... Now, you're probably confused..."Why are they saying that many people believe that they're dangerous, and then telling us the numbers?!?!" Well, we wanted to tell you the numbers for what we are going to explain next...


Just like humans, dogs ALWAYS have a reason for a certain action... If a person is being hit by another person, they are going to do everything in their power to get away and protect themselves! Well, it's the same for dogs! If a dog is being abused, it has the right to get away from its abuser. Attacks from a dog are caused by fear, and the dog protecting its home and territory from strangers. Here are some facts and myths about the truth!

  • Pit bulls are the most misunderstood breed of dog.

  • Their "aggression" has strictly been taught to them, they are NOT naturally aggressive.

  • Pitbulls have been used as fighting dogs, bait dogs for teaching other fight dogs, and bait dogs for hunting animals. They have been taught to fight for many years, by humans, and then people blame the dogs for doing the only thing they have been taught to do.

  • Pitbulls are fought and are trained to fight, and while this act is now illegal in every state in the USA and in the district of Columbia, many illegal fights and situations still happen every day.

  • "Reports of pit bulls attacking people and the prominence of the breed among dogfighting circles has added to the fear and misperceptions about these lovable and adoptable dogs. The fact is that all dogs can attack, and that is almost always a result of bad human ownership. Any dog who has been abused, abandoned, neglected, or trained to attack can grow up to exhibit aggressive behavior; it’s not intrinsic to pit bulls or any other breed."

Now let's talk about dog fighting:

What is dog fighting?

"Organized dog fighting" or “pit fighting” places two dogs in an area from which they cannot escape. The fight ends when one dog is dead or can no longer continue the fight. Organized dog fighting operations use electric shock, treadmills, and other equipment to condition dogs for combat. Organized dog fights often occur in tandem with drug trafficking and racketeering. "The loser in the game usually is killed during the fight. If it is not killed during the game, the owner of the dog will torture, beat or kill it by using a gun."

(Electric shock can consist of many different materials, but overall, electric shock is the action of a sudden discharge of electricity through a part of the body. This can and is VERY painful for a dog, and is definitely abuse.) (Dogs are trained and conditioned using different workout equipment, such as treadmills. Treadmills are used for the hope from the owner to make the dog/animal stronger and better equipped and ready to perform a certain task. If used in the wrong way, this can also be abuse)

"Pit bulls are the least likely to be human aggressive. On the whole, you have to do a lot of work to make them aggressive to people." -- Sue Frisch, Dessin Animal Shelter manager

Animal abuse definition: Animal neglect and animal cruelty: humans causing suffering and harm towards a non-human animal


Below are three examples of terrible abuse situations. These videos are from a database known as, The Dodo. If you would like to learn more about this database, please visit our page on it!

Here is a video about a dog that was abandoned on the side of a road. This dog has also lost his nose.

The Dodo. “Abused Pit Bull Gets to Be a Dog Again Thanks to Loving Mom | the Dodo Pittie Nation.” YouTube, 3 Feb. 2018, Accessed 31 Mar. 2022.

Here is a video about a dog found on the street and how he recovered!

The Dodo. “Dog Fighting for Life on the Street Meets His Foster Sibling | the Dodo Foster Diaries.” YouTube, 4 Feb. 2022, Accessed 31 Mar. 2022.

Other forms of abuse that many dogs and other animals have suffered:

  • Being fought (as we already learned about)

  • Beaten

  • Neglected

  • Hoarded

  • Abandoned

  • Tied up with a big chain and left there to fend for themselves

  • Being without food and/or water

  • Ear cropping can also be a form of abuse (depending on if it is legal/illegal in that area, and how, when, and why it is done to the dog)(Many people believe that this is cruel no matter what)

  • Over breeding (Pit Bull's are an over bred breed, and it can become unhealthy for a dog, and the puppies bred, especially if their living conditions aren't good. For example, a puppy mill, where they care more about the money they get from the dogs, than the well being of the dogs.)

Overbreeding dogs is the process leading to excess breeding of dogs; a single dog can be overbred, or a breeder can overbreed in general. It is a growing concern in modern dog breeding, generally motivated by unethical breeders having dubious financial goals.

A disease called, heat stroke in dogs happens mostly when a dog is abandoned or left outside too long. This occurs when their body overheats. "Heat stroke in dogs is the gnarly disease that can cause seizures, brain damage, blindness, organ failure, and convulsions."



Below are some quotes and other terrible abuse situations. Maybe we need to start listening to what the dogs have to say:

What Can YOU Do?

  • Donate money to rescues to help dogs in need. Funds are one of the biggest things that hold rescuers back from being able to help more animals, so you could be rescuing an animal from a REALLY bad situation.

  • Always be aware and ready to help in any abuse situation.

  • Foster dogs until they find their forever homes, then they may have more chance of being adopted, and they won't have to stay in a cage until they do! These dogs don't deserve to be locked up, and especially not euthanized. You could save a life.

  • Rescue and adopt a dog(s) that need your help. They deserve it! Most people don’t understand the pain they go through throughout their lives, be their hero!

Benefits of Owning a Dog (These are ALL Scientifically Proven):

1. Dogs make us feel less alone.

Dogs can be there for you even when people can’t. They offer unconditional love, emotional support, and constant cuddles that help stave off social isolation. A small Australian study discovered that dog ownership reduces loneliness. A national survey of pet owners and non-pet owners by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute found that 85 percent of respondents believe that interaction with pets reduces loneliness. Most agree that human-pet interactions can help address social isolation.

2. Dogs are good for your heart.

Owning a dog can help you live longer. A comprehensive review of studies published between 1950 and 2019 found that dog owners had a lower risk of death. Studies suggest that dog owners have lower blood pressure levels and improved responses to stress. Even just living with a dog makes a difference—people who had experienced previous coronary events had an even higher level of risk reduction for death. Research has concluded that the bond between humans and dogs reduces stress, which is a major cause of cardiovascular problems.

3. Dogs help you stop stressing out.

Your canine companion can offer comfort and ease your worries. Multiple studies show that dogs and therapy dogs help alleviate stress and anxiety. Even just petting a familiar dog lowers blood pressure, heart rate, slows breathing, and relaxes muscle tension. Scientists at Washington State University discovered that just 10 minutes petting a dog can have a significant impact. Study participants had a significant reduction in cortisol, a major stress hormones.

4. Dogs help us cope with crisis

Dogs help us recover psychologically from a crisis. Purdue University’s College of Veterinary Medicine discovered that military veterans with PTSD do better both physiologically and psychologically when they have a service dog. Veterans with a service dog had significantly fewer symptoms of PTSD and showed improved coping skills.

5. Dogs encourage you to move.

Those long treks along sidewalks, trails, and paths add up. A 2019 British study discovered that dog owners are nearly four times more likely than non-dog owners to meet daily physical activity guidelines. Dog owners spend nearly 300 minutes every week walking with their dogs. That’s 200 more minutes walking than people without a pup of their own.

6. Dogs make you more attractive—even virtually.

If you’re looking for a date, it might be time to get a dog. A dog’s presence may make people appear more likeable and attractive. In a series of studies, men were more likely to get a woman’s phone number when they had a dog with them. In another study, researchers asked individuals to rate people in photographs and found that people looked happier and more relaxed when they appeared with a dog. A study by Pet Wingman found that men and women swipe right more when they include a profile photo of their pup. Women benefited more than men with dogs in their profiles. (And finding Fido photos on your camera roll shouldn’t be a problem—a study found that 65 percent of dog owners admit to taking more photos of their dog than their significant other.)

7. Dogs make us more social.

Walking with a canine companion can make us more approachable and give people a conversation starter. Think about how many times you’ve talked with other people, whether they’re your neighbors or new friends at the dog park. Researchers have found that about 40 percent of dog owners had an easier time making friends. Dogs are the perfect way to get to know strangers and form new friendships. A study at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University concluded that people who have a strong attachment to a pet feel more connected in their human relationships and their communities.

8. Dogs are so adorable they make us love them.

There’s a reason why puppies are so irresistible: a dog’s facial features possess an “infant schema.” These “social releasers” trigger an innate caregiver response in humans. So the next time you can’t stop watching that dog video, know those big eyes and floppy ears are scientifically appealing.

9. Dogs make us happier.

Just looking at a dog can lift your spirits: a 2009 study in Japan found that staring into your dog’s eyes raises your level of oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone.” Besides the general health benefits of owning a dog, they are natural mood boosters. Those with AIDS are less likely to suffer from depression if they own a pet, according to a 2017 study.

10. Dogs help seniors with cognitive function and social interaction.

Studies exploring the effects of dogs on seniors found positive results. One study found that pet therapy improves the cognitive function of residents with mental illness in long-term care. Another showed significant decreases in agitated behaviors in seniors with dementia and improved social interactions.

Some people needs dogs for depression. Around 40 million people needs dogs because of depression.

12. A four-footed best friend provides unconditional love and support, which is especially important during tough times. Though people may think we’re taking care of our canine companions, it’s mutual: Dogs take care of us, and science confirms it.

Here is an infographic on how to care for a dog correctly. We strongly recommend doing more research if you are planning to add a new member to your family, but this infographic is a great start:

We need dogs to have happy lives because if dogs don't have happy lives, than some kids won't have happy lives! Kids love dogs, and as we already talked about, dogs can benefit kid's lives greatly. Please help all the dogs in need. Don't be scared to help the dogs that need help. We can help dogs all over the world, lets make time to help these dogs.

We very much hope that this dog abuse page was helpful and informative for you. This is a topic that many of our youth have been focused on and care about deeply. But now it is your turn to do something, we've given you information, situations, examples, myths, facts, and truths. Now it is your turn to go out into the real world with us, and make a change! SO LETS START MAKING CHANGES NOW!