Animal Experimentation

What is it? It is a different and more specific type of animal abuse where scientist and cosmetic engineers test their products or vaccines on animals. These tests can cause harm to the animals, such as allergic reactions, death, paralysis, bleeding in many areas, seizures, and more. The tests can be for purposes of research, testing chemicals or cosmetics, and more.

Animals get tested on EVERY day!

What animals get tested on the most?

Cats, dogs, rabbits, mice, and birds are the animals that get tested on the most. But that's not all, some other animals that are commonly tested on are fish, hamsters, and rats.

Some Examples:

Cats: Cats get holes drilled into their heads and are intentionally killed.

Dogs: Dogs are tested on very often. The get tested on with gases, vaccines, and cosmetics.

Birds: Birds are tested on with vaccines.

Mice: Mice get tested on with vaccines, and cosmetics.

Rabbits: Rabbits also get tested on very regularly, with cosmetics, vaccines, gasses, and other chemicals.

Some other animal tests:

  • Exposure to toxic chemicals, force-feeding, skin injections or other injections.

  • Exposure to chemicals, drugs and infections that can cause pain and death.

  • Genetic mutation, which is changing an animal's genes intentionally in a lab.

  • Ear-notching and tail-clipping, which can be for identification or just because. (please note that if an animal has an ear or tail infection and needs parts of their ears cut off it is different.)

  • They can be deprived of water and/ or food.

  • Breaking of bones or surgical procedures.

  • Wounds, burns, and bruises are seen on many animals that have been tested on because the scientist want to find new cures.

  • Behavioral experiments, such as placing an animal in a stressful situation, can cause animals to suffer from depression, anxiety, or other behavioral problems.

Ways to help!

-Look at product labels so you don't buy a product that tests on animals!

-Take a stand!

-Inform your friends and family

-Have a friendly protest (make sure your guardian allows you and goes with you if your a kid)

Listen to Samantha Sessions while she speaks up and talks about animal experimentation!

A little about Samantha: While presenting this, Samantha Sessions was a 6th grader at Pasco Middle School. This shows that anyone can be an activist!

Here is a crossword puzzle having to do with animal experimentation. Enjoy!

We hope that this animal experimentation page was helpful and inspired you to make a change. So step up and make a change! We are very passionate about this subject and hope you are now too! Take a stand and remember, all you have to do is speak from your heart, learn the information, and speak your mind!


“People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).” PETA, 16 Mar. 2022,, 2020, Accessed 1 Apr. 2022.