Water Pollution

There are many types of water pollution and many ways to prevent it, we will discuss some types of water pollution and how to prevent them.

One type of water pollution is when garbage gets dumped in the ocean. One way to prevent this is to recycle plastic, paper, and cardboard. another way is to pick up trash out of the ocean.

Another type of pollution is thermal pollution. Nuclear power plants cool their reactors with water, that water warms up. This water is dumped into lakes killing marine life that hasn't adapted to warm water.

Did you know? 10 devastating facts about water pollution:

  1. Did you know, that the plastic in the ocean weighs 25 times more than the great pyramid of Giza.

  2. Did you know that over 100 million animals die to water pollution every year?.

  3. Did you know that the Mediterranean sea has over 650,000,000 tons of sewage waste dumped into it every year!

  4. Did you know that the sea otter is rapidly going extinct because of water pollution. There are only about 3000 left in the world, and 3000 may sound like a lot but there used to be around 300,000 which is still low numbers population wise.

  5. Did you know that if the rate mass fishing and water pollution continue there will be few or worse, 0 fish by the end of 2050!

  6. Did you know that more people die from unsafe water than violence such as war, per year!

  7. Did you know that over 269,000 tons of trash is dumped into the ocean every day? That's the weight of about 2,690,000 people!

  8. Did you know that there are more microplastics in the oceans than stars in the milky way!

  9. Did you know that many coral reefs die from boat exhaust, warm water, and trash. We have already lost some reefs in the world!

  10. Did you know that over 784 million people around the world don't have clean water to drink?

When you look at this picture what do you see? You may sea a sea lion (pun intended). Or the light blue that definitely isn't ocean color. Well what you see is the EFFECT of water pollution. The worse thing is this is only one of the 1,000,000 sea animals that die every year due to water pollution.

Save the Ocean!

This polar bear got its head stuck in a traffic cone because we humans put it in the ocean, which is mind-boggling to think about because it's a traffic cone and who would put that in the water?

The Pacific Garbage Patch

The Pacific Garbage Patch (hence the name) is in the Pacific Ocean, and it is the biggest garbage patch in the world! (National Geographic 2022)

How people are helping

There are many people that try to stop water pollution with organizations like the Ocean Conservancy Team which has been running since 1972 and #teamseas led by the influencers Mr. Beast and Mark Rober, who plan to take 30,000,000 pounds of trash out of the sea, but those are only some of the ways you can help by donating. Some other ways you can help are listed below. (Look up #team seas for more info: https://teamseas.org/crypto/ Team Seas count. It may take a minute to load.)

“Help Us Remove 30 Million Pounds of Trash by January 1st, 2022 - Join #TeamSeas.” Teamseas.org, 2022, teamseas.org/crypto/. Accessed 31 Mar. 2022.

Ways you can help the cause:

  • Volunteer for the organizations by donating to worthy causes.

  • Try to avoid buying plastic products altogether.

  • Sign a small petition to clean up and remove plastics from the ocean.

  • Recycle whatever you can because most trash ends up on the beach or in the ocean.

  • Eat organic foods because the chemicals in non-organic foods can create pollution.

  • don't eat at bayside restaurants normally they put their food waste in the water and it can kill fish if they eat the food.

This shows many ways water pollution can occur.


"MS Paint Masterpiece"

©Image Copyright James Thornburg 2022

I spent my life designing beautiful pictures, and or posters to make a point in today's society - James

"10/10" anonymous student

"10/10" duck enthusiast

"As if heaven and earth became one" random rating dude.

"It shows everything we stand for" ocean man

"It's clear the creator of this is a genius in today's world."

"Save the ducks!"

In the end, we all want to end pollution because we are just in middle school. So we want the world to be a clean place. Let's say we have children, but we can't go to the beach because of pollution. Imagine if the water gets too much oil in it; it would hurt your skin so you wouldn't be able to touch the water.

Here is a video showing what water pollution does to our society:

“National Geographic.” National Geographic, 2022, www.nationalgeographic.com/.

Lionheart Production. “Sad Animation - the Animals Life.” YouTube, 5 Nov. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvHwWKfwTeI. Accessed 31 Mar. 2022.

HEY, check out this cool Minecraft map. It's super fun, exciting, intense, yet calm at the same time. In a world where our own Earth is endangered by pollution because of some random island in the middle of nowhere, pick up trash in a game like you've never seen before. Join Team Seas in their project to save our world from destruction! When you click on the link, it will bring you to a page. On the left of the three dots, click download. After that, it'll ask if you are sure; click yes. Then have fun playing. DON'T FORGET TO READ THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE BARREL!

Watch this video on how to download the Minecraft world!

Top ten devastating facts and parts of how people are helping and how you can help were written by by Nicholas LeRose.