Affordable Healthcare

By Hiba Khan, Jake Anderson!

Everything in World Issues

Table of contents

Healthcare's problems

In America, we have to pay to go to the doctor. In other words, America deals with people not having access to their medical needs and healthcare costs are rising quickly. Some other common problems are lack of insurance and physicians with the lack of transparency. Healthcare also has preventable medical errors. The US was ranked last on the Quality And Access Index Rating due to the poor amenable mortality rates. It measures the deaths that could've been prevented with effective care at the right time.

Solutions that have been tried and failed.

Trying to make Healthcare secure without an Act, The problems with the U.S healthcare systems are Preventable medical errors, poor amenable Mortality which means the death from a collection of diseases, the lack of transparency is also one, same as having a hard time to find a good doctor, all the way to hang nurses and physician shortages, lack of insurance , inefficient , and back to the beginning High costs of Healthcare.

Recommended solutions

I think you should go to the website the government made, or a healthcare agency. It helps with variety of options if your a student in Nevada to a mother in Florida. is the government website for healthcare, they made it to help find people the right plan for them, it gives tips and big updates about the healthcare market.

Who is helping this problem?

The government made a website to help people find the right healthcare options, the reason they're involved is because it’s their job to help the people. is a website made to help people find the right healthcare plan to fit you lifestyle, to a mother in Florida to a high school student in Nevada. It also gives you information on big updates about it and it gives you tips for you new plan.

How can teens help?

By making a website about it and spreading the word. And that’s what we’re doing now, in global virtual classroom we are making a website to help and support people. And to research solutions to help and reduce to costs of Healthcare, It's important because these cost's are raising through out the nation. That's why we're making this website to help resolve world issues so that the future generations have a better, healthier , and lively life.

How costs have risen:

This is a graph about how healthcare has gotten more expensive from 1970-2016; that's a 46-year difference. Think about how much it could rise now in 2022. ( The United States is the yellow line).

My sources

  • ‌Edmonds, Molly. “What Is” HowStuffWorks, HowStuffWorks, 7 July 2010,

  • “Get 2022 Health Coverage. Health Insurance Marketplace®.”, 2022,

  • ‌“Health Agency -- Britannica School.”, 2022,

  •, 2022,

  • “Medicine -- Britannica School.”, 2022,

  • “What’s Our Quality of Life?”, Junior Scholastic, 2021,

US, KPMG. “Healthcare Solutions: Ideas That Flow.” YouTube, 5 June 2020, Accessed 31 Mar. 2022.

International Student Insurance. “Overview of the US Healthcare System for International Students.” YouTube, 4 May 2015, Accessed 31 Mar. 2022. website

If you want to learn more about healthcare options in the Unites States, visit the website.

" is a health insurance exchange website operated under the United States federal government under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, which currently serves the residents of the U.S. states which have opted not to create their own state exchanges."

-Wikipedia (International Student Insurance. “Overview of the US Healthcare System for International Students.” YouTube, 4 May 2015, Accessed 31 Mar. 2022.)