Grapevine Elementary

Monday Message

This newsletter serves as weekly communication from the campus regarding various activities and reminders. It will be sent out each Monday around 10am, unless Monday is a student holiday and then you can expect it on Tuesday morning. The menu in the upper right hand corner will allow you to navigate to the most current week. Grade level newsletters are linked at the bottom, but will also be sent on Mondays from your homeroom teachers. 

In this newsletter you will find campus announcements, district announcements, and the latest information from our GES PTA. It also has a link to the GES Campus Activities calendar, which has up-to-date information on all student activities. We encourage you to use the live calendar so any updates will always be reflected. 

We thank you for taking the time to read the newsletter each week and partnering with us in your child's education. 

All my best,

Mrs. Hale

Campus Activities and Events

This is a live Google Calendar that we will keep updated throughout the year with campus activities. Click the calendar to open it up so you can switch to week or month view and look at future dates. Please check back frequently for new additions. 

Grade Level Newsletters

All grade level newsletters will also be sent out weekly directly to families from your homeroom teachers. Grade level newsletters can be accessed using the links below. 

*These newsletter links will be updated after the first grade level newsletters will be sent out the week of Aug. 14. 

Lunch Reminders

Lunch Times

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