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Set up a simple campaign, Mautic.webm

Walk-through of campaigns

Form submission and segments (lists) are the two ways you can start an automation. Form submissions are triggers (i.e only when the submission happens will the automation trigger) while segments are an on-going flow (i.e all members of a segment will go through the campaign once you turn it on).


If you have scheduled emails in a campaign, all newly added contacts will get all emails, regardless if the first email has already been sent out.

I.e, if you have a webinar reminder sequence where the first reminder goes out at 5 pm and the second at 6 pm and a contact is added to the campaign at 5.30 pm, it will get both reminders. If a contact is added to the campaign at 7 pm, it will also get two emails.

To prevent this, set an Unpublish date on either your form (if the campaign starts with a form) or the campaign once the last reminder has been sent.