Tuesday Tech Tips

May 18, 2021

Tech Updates from Edward

Tuesday Tech Tips is a weekly blog that contains interesting technology tips, articles, and videos.

Tips and Ideas for Teaching Digital Citizenship in a Hybrid Classroom

Our classroom environments continue to shift during the pandemic, often with both in-person and remote students learning together. Whether we call this hybrid, concurrent, blended learning, or something else entirely, Common Sense's Digital Citizenship Curriculum and teaching resources are designed to foster rich discussions for all students, regardless of how and where they're learning. Students have opportunities to stop and reflect, seek facts and evidence, explore other perspectives, and envision how they might take action in real-world dilemmas.

Below you'll find a variety of helpful tips for teaching digital citizenship to both "roomers" and "Zoomers." Best of all, you can also apply these tips and teaching strategies to many other subjects besides digital citizenship. Click for more

Seesaw Train The Trainer Webinars

Do you lead PD in your school? Do you want to be a Seesaw Trainer then check out this free Train The Trainer webinar?

In this one-hour training, participants learn to access and use free Seesaw PD Kits to lead engaging, interactive training. They explore resources, discuss training best practices, and align Seesaw PD with district goals. In-house trainers learn to access Free Seesaw PD Kits to train staff throughout the year on using Seesaw! Use free resources to support teachers to make thinking and learning visible.

-Identifying key criteria for engaging interactive training

-Accessing Seesaw PD Kits

-Learning ways to continually support staff in using Seesaw

-Locating additional training resources to support staff

Click here to register

FTPS Feedback Survey - In-House Chromebook Repair Process:

As we approach the end of this unprecedented year, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on experiences with the Chromebook repair process at each building and grade level grouping.

Please complete the short, anonymous survey linked below by Tues. June 1. We ask that you consider your experience as it pertains to this school year in the hybrid/fully remote environment. Your feedback will help us improve processes for next school year.

Feedback form: In-House Chromebook Repair Process

That's it for now!

Enjoy the Tuesday Tech Tips!

Tips from the Tech Coaches


Removing Extensions in Chrome

Having too many extensions can affect your computer's performance. Here are some simple directions to remove unwanted or no longer needed extensions in Chrome.


5 Ways to Support Kids With ADHD During Remote Learning

Without the rules and structure of the classroom, students with ADHD are struggling. Here’s how teachers can help. Learn more.


Add and Use Checkboxes in Google Sheets

Try adding checkboxes to cells in a spreadsheet. You can use checkboxes to track projects, take check off your to-do list etc.

Insert checkboxes

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.

  2. Select the cells you want to have checkboxes.

  3. In the menu at the top, click Insert Checkbox.

  4. To remove checkboxes, select the checkboxes you want to remove and press Delete.

Note: You can use checkboxes with charts, filters, pivot tables, and functions.


Is your Google Level 1 or 2 expiring? If you want to recertify and have received an email with a link, you will only have to complete the project based tasks if you do it within the timeframe stated. That means no multiple choice questions! Generally, this is within 30 days of your expiration notice but check the specific dates in the email that you were send. Good luck!

Have a wonderful tech week!