Tuesday Tech Tips

February 16, 2021

Tech Updates from Edward

Tuesday Tech Tips is a weekly blog that contains interesting technology tips, articles, and videos.

Black History Month

An injectable treatment for leprosy, an ophthalmologist who developed laser technology used in treating cataracts, the ultraviolet camera/spectrograph used during the Apollo 16 mission in 1972, the Super Soaker water gun, and more.

Check out these 28 scientists to learn more about - Enjoy and please share

Google Applied Digital Skills - In Celebration of Black History Month

In celebration of Black History Month, check out these new lessons to help students explore the importance of African American history, culture, and identity.


Email Tech Tip: Reply vs Reply All and Sender using the Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) feature.

I will use the event that occurred last Friday afternoon/evening as a teachable moment.

Reply only sends the new message to the original sender. Attachments are not included. Reply all sends the new message to the original sender and all other recipients on the To and Cc lines.

Do not reply-all when:

  • Only the original sender needs to know your reply. The sender should include a note - "Please reply directly to me, don't reply all. "

  • Your comments will be crucial to know for the original sender but only a few other recipients. Reply to the sender and then add the select other recipients manually. Copy their addresses from the original email if that helps.

  • Your message is simple acknowledgment like "Thanks!" or "Me too."

Reply-all responses should be reserved for special cases only.

A Tip for a sender using Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) feature.

Benefits of Using BCC:

Using the BCC field to send an email message to a large group of people has a number of benefits, including:

  • The privacy of email addresses is protected in the original message. Recipients will receive the message, but won't be able to see the addresses listed in the BCC field.

  • When an email is forwarded, the addresses of everyone in the To and CC fields are also forwarded along with the message. Addresses that have been placed in the BCC field are not forwarded.

  • If you have placed a large list of recipients in the To or CC field, all of them will receive the reply. By placing recipients in the BCC field, you can help protect them against receiving unnecessary replies from anyone using the Reply All feature. (This is an important benefit).

  • Many viruses and spam programs are now able to sift through mail files and address books for email addresses. Using the BCC field acts as an anti-spam precaution. It reduces the likelihood that recipients will receive a spam message or a virus from another recipient’s infected computer.


Digital Learning Day is February 25, 2021.

Celebrating 10 years!

Ten years ago, the policy landscape for digital learning was uncertain. Believe it or not, school leaders and the public did not realize the potential that the effective use of technology can have to close inequities and personalize instructional opportunities for students.

Instead, teachers felt uncertain about their roles in a digital transformation. In many schools and districts, using technology in the classroom became an all-out event. Forward-leaning teachers had to make reservations, use specialized equipment, get in-depth training, and raise their own grant funds with advanced permission from principals to purchase new software programs.

Eager to support these early adopters and highlight the value and potential for ubiquitous technology in the nation’s schools, the Alliance for Excellent Education (All4Ed) launched Digital Learning Day to celebrate innovative teachers and to improve learning experiences and outcomes for students. See Amy's Tech Tip for additional Resources.


Sustainable Jersey for Schools New Digital Schools Program

The Digital Schools Program was created In June 2020 to integrate new content into Sustainable Jersey for Schools that strengthens support for schools in meeting the challenges of digital learning and to help bring about a sustainable future for us all. It builds on the legacy of the Future Ready Schools - New Jersey (FRS-NJ) program (which ceased operations in 2019) by integrating FRS-NJ topic areas and content into the Sustainable Jersey for Schools actions (see the Digital Schools History for more detail).

Click to learn more about the program

That's it for now.

Enjoy the Tuesday Tech Tips

Tips from the Tech Coaches


Get a head start planning for Digital Learning Day-February 25th! Here are some great resources to use on DLD or incorporate into your lessons on any day!


How to employ a differentiated mindset when teaching STEM

Differentiated instruction is a vital component of STEM education--here's how to maintain a differentiated mindset while teaching. Learn more


Smart compose and spelling autocorrect are now available when adding comments in Google Docs. | Learn more.


Did you know that the Learning with Google is a worldwide event? Click here to find out more about February 17-18, 2021 event and to find out the different times that people around the world will be attending!

Have a wonderful tech week!