Tuesday Tech Tips

February 20, 2024

Tuesday Tech Tips is a weekly blog that contains interesting technology tips, articles, and videos

From The Instructional Technology Department

Tips from the Instructional Technology Coaches


App Permissions to Watch for

If an app is asking for unnecessary permissions without letting you opt out, this can be a sign of malicious activity.  Does that Book app really need access to your call log or camera?  Be safe and think before you give app permissions!



Parent Communication

Nine Tips For Establishing and Maintaining Parent Communication. Learn more.



Google Meet Hosts can Pin Multiply

 ParticipantsGoogle has recently introduced a new feature for Hosts and Co-hosts on Google Meet. You can now choose up to three specific tiles to pin for all meeting participants. This helps to ensure that the meeting remains focused on key presentations and speakers.  Learn more.


Lesser Known Shortcuts: Move through Tabs

Want to move through your tabs quickly in Chrome? Press CTRL+TAB on your Mac when in the browser.  Press CTRL+SHIFT+TAB to go backwards.

Genesis Resource folder

Click here to access district directions on commonly used Genesis applications, such as how to set up grading profiles or access staff schedules.

From the Technology Department - HELP DESK REMINDERS

Help Desk FAQs:

***Resetting Student Passwords***

Setting up Parallels and Resetting Passwords

Requesting Support from HELP DESK

Directions and Replacement of defected or lost items

How do I set up Virtual Time Clock (VTC) for the first time?

Setting up VTC for the first time

Connecting to the projector wirelessly using EasyMP for the first time

Wirelessly connecting to the projector for the first time

When I use wireless to connect to the projector, I only see my background image. What do I have to do to make my desktop show up on the projector screen?

Fixing blank desktop via EasyMP

How do I mirror my desktop when connected using HDMI?

How to mirror desktop using HDMI

Have a wonderful tech week!