Post-Secondary Education Options

At the end of your time with Fuhua, you will need to decide which path you want to take. What courses should you pursue next? Which institution will best suit your talents?

Overview of Singapore's Education System

Planning for your future education and career requires you to ask yourself the following essential questions:

1. Who am I?

  • You can discover your interests here

2. Where am I going?

  • You need to have an idea of your potential career and related industries.

3. How do I get there?

  • You need to know the course of study and educational pathways you can consider.

  • You need to then reflect on the obstacles you may encounter and find ways to overcome them.

Click the links below for information on the main post-secondary pathways available:

(i) Junior Colleges / Centralised Institute

(ii) Polytechnics

(iii) Arts Institutions

(iv) Institute of Technical Education

Please refer to the following useful links for more information on post-secondary education options:

For Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Level Certificate Holders:

For Singapore-Cambridge GCE N-Level Certificate Holders:

For course-specific entry requirements:

For Joint Intake/ Admission Exercise:

For Early Admission Exercise (EAE) / Direct School Admission (DSA):