
Fuhuanites show self-respect by taking care to look neat and well-groomed at all times. To uphold the good name of the school, each Fuhuanite will wear his uniform with pride and observe the school dress code at all times.

Prescribed Uniform

a) Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modifications to the uniform are not allowed.

b) The uniform should be worn neatly and appropriately at all times.

  • Boys: Long pants are to be worn at waist level. Tapered / baggy pants are not allowed.

  • Girls: Skirts should be of knee-length.


a) All students are allowed to wear sports shoes as long as they are predominantly white without bright or luminous colours. Sandals (with back straps) may be worn only when a student is suffering from a foot / ankle injury. No slippers are to be worn.

b) For hygiene purposes, all students should wear socks with their shoes. Only white socks are allowed. Ankle socks must be visible above the shoes.


a) Students must maintain a neat and appropriate hairstyle at all times. Students are not allowed to tint or dye their hair.

b) For Boys:

  • Hair must be cut short and above the collar - the fringe must be above the eyebrows and ears and no side-burns are allowed.

  • There should be a distinct and gradual slope at the back of the head.

  • Face must be clean-shaven. No facial hair (moustache, beard or sideburns) is allowed.

  • No accessories (earrings / jewellery) are allowed.

  • Fingernails must be kept short and clean.

c) For Girls:

  • Long hair must be tied up neatly with black hair accessories.

  • The fringe must be above the eyebrows. Long fringes are to be pinned up.

  • No nail polish or makeup is allowed.

  • Multiple earrings or ear-studs are not allowed. Only simple dark-coloured ear studs (one on each ear) measuring no more than 5 mm in diameter are allowed.

d) The following are NOT allowed:

  • Colourful, flashy or chunky jewellery (rings, earrings, bracelets) or other accessories such as leather neckbands, bead chokers etc. a

  • Tinted glasses, sunglasses, coloured contact lenses and transition lenses.

  • Caps.

  • Tongue studs, eyebrow studs or any kind of body piercing ornaments.

  • Tattoos or body art (even if they are stickers or are of non-permanent ink).

Any student found wearing the above items will be asked to remove them immediately. For repeat offenders, the items will be confiscated.