
Fuhuanites are in school to acquire the knowledge, skills and values to take on their future as responsible adults who will care for their families and contribute to the larger society. Fuhuanites understand that learning is cumulative – it requires strong commitment to excellence and regular attendance to ensure that they reap the full benefits of learning.

a) Attendance at lessons and CCA sessions during school term is compulsory.

  • Students who are unable to attend school (with valid reasons) have to inform the Form Teacher /CCA Teacher I/C on the same day. Students are to submit the medical certificate or letter of absence to the Form Teacher on the next school day.

b) Attendance at all weighted assessments and examinations is compulsory. Only valid medical certificates will be accepted.

c) Students leaving the school during school hours have to seek prior permission from the Discipline Master / Vice-Principal / Principal.

d) Application for Leave during School Terms

Parents who request for their child to be excused from lessons during school terms because they wish to take them on an overseas vacation, please be advised of the following:

  • The student should observe the school terms as learning may be affected.

  • A letter has to be provided stating clearly the travel destination and duration – this will facilitate contact tracing should the need arise.

  • The student will be marked as Absent and not as Absent with Valid Reason (VR) as a personal holiday taken during term time will not be regarded as a valid reason.

  • In the event that a weighted assessment has been scheduled and the student has been informed in advance, the school will not be able to make special provisions for the student to sit for the test at another separate time.