Financial Assistance

MOE Financial Assistance Scheme (MOE FAS)

The Ministry of Education (MOE) provides financial assistance to needy Singapore citizen students in Government, Government-aided schools and Institutes of Higher Learning so that all Singaporeans, regardless of their financial background, can benefit from the best opportunities in education.

Applicant must be a Singapore citizen enrolled in a Government or Government-aided school and meet either one of the following criteria:

a. His or her family’s gross household income (GHI) at the time of application does not exceed $3,000 per month; or

b. His or her family’s per capita income (PCI) at the time of application does not exceed $750 per month.

PCI = Monthly GHI / No. of members in the household

For more information, click here.

The names of students on MOE FAS will be kept confidential.

[Please speak with your Form Teacher if you wish to apply.]

School-Based Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS)

For applicants who are not eligible for the MOE FAS but require financial assistance, the school provides financial assistance to needy Singapore citizen students, so that all Singaporean students can receive additional support to benefit from the opportunities in school.

Applicant must be a Singapore citizen enrolled in Fuhua Secondary School and meet either one of the following criteria:

a. His or her family’s gross household income (GHI) is between $3,001 and $4,400 per month; or

b. His or her family’s per capita income (PCI) is between $751 and $1,100 per month.

PCI = Monthly GHI / No. of members in the household

The names of students on school-based FAS will be kept confidential.

[Please speak with your Form Teacher if you wish to apply.]

Social Assistance for Low Income Families

Needy families can visit the Community Centres in your districts that may have various schemes to assist residents. You may visit the Ministry of Social and Family Development website for more information. You may also contact ComCare at 1800 222 0000.