MOE Edusave Awards

MOE Edusave Awards are given by the MOE annually to Singaporean students to enhance educational opportunities and motivate them to excel in schools, in both academic and non- academic domains.

The three broad categories of Edusave Awards are:

  1. Excellence in Character and Values

    • Edusave Character Award (ECHA)

This award is for students who have demonstrated exemplary character and outstanding personal qualities through their behaviour and actions. This award is given to up to 2% of Singaporean students. Each award is valued at $500.

  1. Excellence in Non-Academic Achievements

    • Edusave Award for Achievement, Good Leadership and Service (EAGLES)

This award is for students who have demonstrated leadership qualities, service to community and schools, excellence in non-academic activities and good conduct. Students must also pass the school examinations and have good conduct. This award is given to up to 10% of Singaporean students. Each award is valued at $350.

  1. Excellence in Academic Achievements

    • Edusave Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who are within the top 10% of each level and course academically and have good conduct. Each scholarship is valued at $500.

    • Edusave Merit Bursary (EMB)

This bursary is for Singaporean students who are not recipients of any Edusave scholarship and are within the top 25% of their level and course in terms of academic performance, have demonstrated good conduct and whose gross household income does not exceed $6,900 per month (or per capita income of below $1,725). Each bursary is valued at $350.

    • Edusave Good Progress Award

This award is given to students who are not recipients of any Edusave scholarship or the Edusave Merit Bursary and are within the top 10% of their level and course in terms of improvement in academic performance and have demonstrated good conduct. Each award is valued at $200.