
Fuhuanites strive to have a positive attitude towards their work, peers and teachers. Every Fuhuanite is mindful of his responsibilities as a student and the importance of showing consideration and respect to others.

Flag-Raising Ceremony

a) Students must attend the flag-raising ceremony at 0730 hours at the parade square. On wet weather days and other planned occasions, the flag-raising ceremony will be held in the classrooms / hall.

b) Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart. Students who are non-citizens must stand still and remain quiet.

c) Attendance is taken during the flag-raising ceremony. Students who are not present at the assembly venue will be marked late or absent.

Conduct during Lessons

a) During lessons, any student who wishes to leave the class with a valid reason is to request for permission from his Subject Teacher before he can do so.

b) Every student is to abide by the classroom rules and routines established under GEAR-UP*.

c) The use of mobile phones, cameras, audio / video equipment or unauthorised electronic devices is strictly prohibited in the classroom and during CCA sessions and school activities.

Students may use their mobile phones in the school compound before and after school hours and during recesses and lunch breaks.

d) Students are to engage in reading / doing assignments in the absence of a teacher. Leaving the classroom or indulging in games is not allowed.

Student Safety

a) All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapons. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like items which can be used to cause harm to others.

b) The school reserves the right to inspect the personal belongings of students for security purposes.

Conduct Outside School

a) Students in uniform are not to loiter at shopping centres, fast food restaurants, playgrounds or void decks after school.

b) Students must seek permission from the school leaders / teachers / members of the administrative staff before inviting visitors into the school.

c) No student is allowed to approach, write to or make contact with an external agency in the name of the school without the approval of the Principal.

d) Students must not misuse the Internet to defame the school or any member of the staff or student body. It is the duty of every student to observe the school values at all times.

*GEAR-UPClassroom Routines for Discipline in Learning Greeting, checking classroom Environment, marking of Attendance, getting Ready for learning, Understanding what is being taught, Practising what has been learnt.