Safety in the Kitchens


  1. Do not enter any kitchen unless a teacher is present.

  2. Ask for guidance if you have forgotten or do not understand how a piece of equipment works.

  3. Report any faulty piece of equipment to the teacher.

  4. Wipe up spills of liquid or grease immediately.

  5. Never run in the kitchen.

  6. Clean and return any equipment used to its proper place after use.

Use of electrical appliances

  1. Do not touch electric plugs with wet hands.

  2. Switch off the electrical appliance before removing the plug.

  3. Do not use an electrical appliance without a teacher’s supervision.

Use of utensils and equipment

  1. When using knives, always keep them away from the body.

  2. Store knives with sharp blades pointing downwards.

  3. When carrying a knife, always point it downward at your side.

  4. Do not walk around carrying anything sharp; you may slip and accidentally injure yourself or somebody else.

Use of cookers

  1. Use oven gloves to remove items from the oven.

  2. Turn off main gas or electric switches after use.

  3. Saucepan handles should be turned inwards if they are on the cooker.


  1. Keep apron strings tied to avoid catching door handles or kitchen equipment.

  2. Long, loose hair and hair with long fringe should be tied back.

Small fires

  1. Know where the fire extinguisher is kept.

  2. Inform teachers immediately if there is a fire.

  3. If your clothing catches fire, lie on the floor and roll to smother the flames.

  4. If a pan catches fire, pour flour into the pan and cover it.

  5. If an equipment catches fire, use the fire extinguisher, switch off all gas and electrical supplies.