Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)

Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) has always been at the heart of our education in Fuhua. We recognise the importance of developing the character of our students, particularly so in a rapidly changing environment with shifting social norms and morals. Our students will also need to develop a sense of belonging to the nation and cultivate values to help them become responsible citizens. Our school's CCE framework is aligned with the school mission and goals – to nurture the whole Fuhuanite, so as to bring out the best in OUR Fuhuanites who are Outstanding, Upstanding and Ready for the future. Our school values of Respect, Integrity, Service and Excellence (RISE) serve as a moral compass to guide students’ attitudes and actions. The framework is also underpinned by Thomas Lickona’s Theory of Character Education (Moral Knowing, Moral Feeling and Moral Doing).

In Fuhua, we adopt a whole-school approach towards CCE, involving school leaders and every teacher to impact all students. CCE is delivered across both the formal curriculum (CCE lessons) and co-curriculum, through a myriad of programmes led and driven by different committees in the school.

We deliver the programmes using a tiered approach:

  • Foundation Programme aims to inculcate core values and skills through multiple platforms at school-wide level including Instructional Programmes, CCE lessons, FT periods, National Education, Values in Action (VIA), Sexuality Education, Education and Career Guidance Programmes and other level-based programmes.

  • Experiential Programme aims to inculcate core values and skills through hands-on learning opportunities such as CCA, VIA and local and overseas Values in Action Camps. These platforms allow the students to take ownership of their own learning, with structure and time provided for them to reflect on their learning and growth, so as to enable them to better internalise the values and skills.

CCE Curriculum Overview

The curriculum content of CCE is based on the three big ideas of Identity, Relationships, and Choices, and comprises the teaching and learning of core values and social-emotional competencies with a focus on developing a sense of purpose in our students. This is shown in the Figure on the right.

Developmental Milestones in CCE

All efforts in CCE are anchored in the CCE Developmental Milestones which articulate possible indicators of development in character, social-emotional well-being, and citizenship dispositions across all the stages of schooling.

These Developmental Milestones are grounded in the three big ideas of Identity, Relationships and Choices, and customised to the social and cultural context of Singapore.

The three broad intents that articulate the key values and competences to be hone in CCE are as follows:

Intent 1: Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve personal effectiveness and well-being.

Intent 2: Develop social awareness and manage relationships for personal and social well-being.

Intent 3: Make responsible decisions and act on them.