
As a person of integrity, every Fuhuanite takes responsibility for his words and actions and understands that he will be subjected to disciplinary actions if he breaches the school rules.

Cleanliness of the Environment

a) Students are to take responsibility for the cleanliness of the environment, especially the classrooms and other learning facilities. Students are to clean their form class' classroom conscientiously during Rise and Shine every morning.

b) Students are not allowed to consume food and sweet drinks in the classrooms and other learning facilities.

Merit and Demerit Point System

a) Students who perform notable acts of kindness or have rendered service to the school will be awarded merit points. On the other hand, students will be given demerit points if they have committed an offence. At the beginning of the first semester, students have zero net merit points. Students can carry forward their merit points to the second semester.

b) At the start of semester one of each year, the students will have an account of zero points. When a student is awarded merit points, the points will be added to his account. When a student receives demerit points, the points will be deducted from the account. In the event that the net points in the account is positive, the points will be brought forward to semester two. In the event that the net points in the account is negative, the account is reset to zero at the start of semester two.

c) All teachers are authorised to issue merit or demerit points. The points are documented in the eDiscipline System.

d) The final tally in the account at the end of the semester will be used to determine the conduct grade for that semester and it will be reflected in the student’s semestral Holistic Development Profile (HDP).