School Song and Cheer

School Song
Keen to learnEager to excelWe work towards developing strength In body and mindKeeping the torch of knowledge aliveIn this ever-changing worldWe shall forever thrive
Fuhua, Fuhua! Together we will striveTo bring honour to your nameAlways aiming for greater heightsWe pledge to keep our school flag flying high
Hand in hand, all races marchHope of our nationServe with one spirit, one heart, one mindForward! Forward!To a promising and vibrant future
School Cheer
V-I-C-T-O-R-YFuhua Fuhua Super High!High ah high ah high ahHigh ah high ah high ahFuhua's got to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!
F-H-S-SFuhua's got to win this way!
F-H-S-SFuhua Fuhua all the way!
Goooooooo Fuhua!