School Emergency Procedures

Emergency Drill

Emergency drills are conducted for the following reasons:

i. To prevent panic and ensure the safe, orderly and efficient evacuation of all occupants in the school to a safe area.

ii. To train students and staff to react calmly to emergency situations.

Emergency and Evacuation Procedures

In an emergency, the Principal or Vice-Principal will verify and assess the situation and make a decision to activate evacuation. The procedures following the decision will be as follows:

(a) Sounding of Fire Alarm and Announcement for Evacuation

i. The fire alarm will be sounded or the school bell will ring continuously. In case of power failure, a loud hailer will be used.

ii. The Principal or Vice-Principal will order the evacuation through the public address system. Succinct information on the nature of the emergency, evacuation instructions and the danger zone to avoid will be broadcasted.

(b) Evacuation Procedure

On receiving instructions to evacuate, the following procedure must be carried out:

i. Switch off all lights and fans in the classrooms and in whichever room you are in.

ii. Carry only the valuables (wallet, hand phone) but leave the books and bags behind.

iii. Move out of the room and line up in two rows. Close the doors and windows to restrict the spread of fire or smoke.

iv. Move in an orderly manner using the nearest staircase to proceed to the assembly area, which is the school field, unless otherwise stated.

v. Re-entry into the classroom is not allowed

vi. Attendance will be taken at the assembly area. Report to the teacher for any student who cannot be accounted.

vii. Remain at the assembly area until the “All Clear Signal” is given for re-entry into the room.

Basic Emergency Preparation

i. Notify your teacher immediately of any incidents like smoke, fire or injury.

ii. Be familiar with the location of the fire exits.

iii. Where there is smoke, stay low for fresher air.

iv. Do not push or run during the evacuation. Always move calmly and quickly.

v. The assembly area is the school field, unless otherwise stated.

vi. Refrain from fighting a fire on your own.