Personal Learning Device User Policy


In Fuhua Secondary School, we believe in developing Responsible, Empowered and Active Learners, capable of Higher Order Thinking (REAL-HOT). To enhance the overall experience, users are expected to abide by the usage policy which includes but is not limited to the following:

General Guidelines

1. A Personal Learning Device (PLD) refers to any smart device including mobile phones, personal laptops, slate PC and Apple iPads that are owned by students or on loan from the School ICT Department.

2. In using the PLD, students shall not engage in any activities that are in violation of the laws of Singapore, in particular (but not limited to), the Computer Misuse Act.

3. For student-owned school-designated PLDs:

(a) Only school-designated PLDs have access to school’s wireless network. Students are not allowed to connect their personal devices to any school’s network.

(b) Students are to keep all devices off their tables unless otherwise instructed by their teachers during lesson time.

(c) Students are not allowed to access all devices during lessons and in between timetabled periods unless permission is obtained from the teachers for instructional / learning purposes.

(d) Students are strictly not allowed to use any camera applications to take photo(s) or film video(s) unless otherwise instructed by their teachers during lesson time.

(e) Students may save their work in their Google Suite account.

(f) Students should always refer to the Digital Skills Self-Learning Portal for updates regarding the provision of ICT resources for students under the MOE Personal Learning Device (PLD) Initiative.

Code of Conduct for the Use of PLD

4. In using the PLD, all students are to be guided by the school RISE values, as set out in the following table:

PLD RISE (2023).pdf

5. Refer to the school's Cyber Wellness@Fuhua Portal for more Cyber Wellness tips.

Serious Offences

6. Using the network for illegal activities, including copyright violations, downloading of inappropriate materials and / or software, hacking, hosting file sharing software and cyber-bullying are prohibited.

7. Any breach or non-compliance will be referred to the Discipline Committee and may result in having the consequences commensurate with the severity of the offence, as set out in the Student Code of Conduct,  meted out.

8. The school reserves all rights to add, amend or adjust the PLD Policy as necessary to maintain the moral tone of the school and / or to curtail unbecoming behaviour.