Homework Policy

1. Purpose of Homework

Homework contributes toward character building as it imbues responsibility, self-discipline and lifelong learning habits. Homework that is relevant, challenging and meaningful will reinforce classroom learning objectives.

2. Ensuring Quality of Homework

Well-designed homework will bring about the intended learning outcomes. For homework to be effective, Fuhua teachers design homework with clear principles in mind. To complement the stage of learning of the class, teachers will assign the appropriate homework type that matches the learning goals of the class. The different homework types are shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Homework Types

3. Managing Quantity of Homework

While appropriate homework can reinforce students’ learning, provide feedback on their progress and cultivate a healthy disposition towards continual learning, excessive homework can have adverse impact on students’ holistic development and well-being and negatively affect their motivation for learning. The following coordinating mechanisms have been put in place by the school for the purpose of managing the homework load of students.

a) Homework Corner

There is a homework corner on the whiteboard in every classroom. All subject teachers of the class are required to record the homework and tests given and their deadlines. Teachers should consider extending the homework completion time, moderating amount of work given or postponing the assignment of homework if the class already has a heavy homework load for a particular day.

b) Homework Record

All students are required to record the given homework in their calendar using their PLD. They should record based on the given assignment deadline and not on the date the work is given. This will provide a good overview of the students’ workload and also help the students in managing and prioritising their work.

c) Holiday homework

School holidays are meant for both staff and students to take a break from formal teaching and learning. As a guide, the holiday homework load should be 50% of term time norms.

4. Non-completion of Homework

All Fuhuanites are expected to hand in their work on time. However, a distinction will be made between those who fail to produce homework repeatedly and those who only do so occasionally with valid reasons.

Fuhuanites who hand in assignments late on a consistent basis will receive any of the following sanctions:

  • Partial assignment grade

  • No assignment grade

  • Demerit points

  • After school detention

Parents and guardians will be informed of their child’s/ward’s late submission of homework. Fuhuanites who miss homework because of absence will receive the opportunity to make up for the missed work. The subject teacher will determine the amount and time to be given based on the requirements of the assignment. It is the student's responsibility to make up for the missed work due to illness or absence. In the case of longer absence, the student, together with his parent, should consult the subject teachers for advice on class work and homework.

5. Roles & Responsibilities of Fuhuanites

Fuhuanites are expected to be responsible for their own learning through RISE as shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Homework the RISE way