Institute of Technical Education

  • Allow you to acquire new skills through hands-on and interactive learning

  • Equip you with technical skills and knowledge to meet the workforce needs of various industry sectors

  • To gain admission to Nitec / 3 Year Higher Nitec / Higher Nitec courses, students may participate in the Joint ITE Admissions Exercise (JIE) or Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) (Click here for more information)

  • For both Nitec and Higher Nitec courses, students need to meet the course-specific entry requirements (Click here for entry requirements to each course)

  • Secondary 4N(A) students who obtain an ELMAB3 aggregate of 19 points or better (excluding CCA bonus points) at the GCE N-Level Examination, and meet ITE’s course-specific requirements, can apply for admission to Higher Nitec courses under the Direct-Entry-Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP)

Direct-Entry-Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP)

DPP prepares Secondary 4N(A) students for progression into selected polytechnic diploma courses through a two-year Higher Nitec course at ITE. In your final year of your course, you will be able to apply for mapped polytechnic diploma courses. You will be guaranteed a place in one of these courses if your final raw Grade Point Average (GPA) meets the qualifying requirements (Click here for more information)

3 year Higher Nitec

ITE will introduce a new 3-year Higher Nitec full-time programme from Academic Year 2022. Streamlining Nitec and Higher Nitec curricula, the new option allows students to attain a Higher Nitec qualification directly, in only three years instead of the current four years. N(A) and N(T) students can apply for this new 3-year Higher Nitec programme using the existing Nitec entry requirements. (Click here for more information)

ITE Traineeship Programme

The ITE Traineeship Programme equips students with the academic qualification and skills necessary to start a successful career in Singapore. Students will be guided and trained in an actual work environment, allowing them to gain valuable work experience on their journey to becoming a competent professional in their chosen field. (Click here for more information)

ITE Early Admissions Exercise

Students can also be admitted through the Early Admissions Exercise (EAE), which caters to those interested in, and have an aptitude for, a particular area of study offered by ITE (Click here for more information)

More information on post-ITE admissions, please click here.