Junior Colleges / Centralised Institute

  • Equip you with skills and knowledge required for universities or institutes of higher learning in Singapore or abroad

  • Focus on self-development, critical thinking, intellectual analysis, and communication and interpersonal skills that prepare you for higher learning at universities and beyond

  • Offer a variety of special elective programmes in areas like art, music, languages, drama and the humanities for students who have a passion for these areas

  • The aggregate computation for admission to a junior college (JC) or centralised institute (CI) are as follows:

  • Please click here for the most updated eligibility criteria.

  • To be eligible for admission, students must achieve an L1R5 aggregate of 20 or better for JCs and an L1R4 of 20 or better for CI (refer to the JAE Information Booklet for more information on conditional admission to JCs and CI)

  • The cut-off point for different JCs and CI is based on the demand of applicants and the number of places available (refer to the JAE Information Booklet for the aggregate scores of students admitted to the different JCs and CI at the most recent Joint Admissions Exercise)

  • Students can participate in the Direct School Admission-JC Exercise, where JCs and CI admit some of their students using school-based criteria that recognise a wider range of student achievement and talent (Click here for more information)

  • JC and CI graduates may seek admission to a university or a specialised institute of higher learning, locally or abroad