Kindergarten Quarter 4

Below are listed the I Can statements for each unit. These help guide teachers in our planning as we prepare lessons knowing what students need to be doing by the end of the unit. This gives you an idea of things that you can work on at home or talk about.

Quarter 4

Unit 10:

What students are expected to do:

  • I can name two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes in my environment.

  • I can describe the positions of two shapes using words such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.

  • I can name three-dimensional shapes in all positions and sizes.

  • I can tell if shapes are two-dimensional or three-dimensional (flat or solid).

  • I can compare shapes by describing how they are alike or different.

  • I can build shapes with blocks or clay.

  • I can draw shapes.

  • I can combine shapes to make new shapes.

Unit 11:

What students are expected to do:

  • I can use tools to show addition and subtraction.

  • I can add or subtract up to 10.

  • I can find number pairs for numbers to 10 using objects or drawings.

  • I can record number pairs with drawings or equations.

  • I can find a number pair when given a number to equal ten.

  • I can use drawings or equations to show the number that makes ten when given a number.

  • I can fluently add and subtract within 5.

Unit 12:

What students are expected to do:

  • I can count to 100 by ones.

  • I can count by tens to 100.

  • I can write the number for a collection of objects up to 20.

  • I can tell the number of objects to 20 by counting.

  • I can show numbers 11-19 as tens and ones as objects or drawings.

  • I know that numbers 11-19 are one ten and more ones.