Grade 1 Quarter 4

Below are listed the I Can statements for each unit. These help guide teachers in our planning as we prepare lessons knowing what students need to be doing by the end of the unit. This gives you an idea of things that you can work on at home or talk about.

Quarter 4

Unit 10

What students are expected to do:

  • I can determine which operation to use in order to solve word problems with unknowns.

  • I can solve a word problem for an unknown in all positions of addition and subtraction equations (by writing an equation with a symbol for the unknown).

  • I can use strategies to add and subtract within 20.

  • I can fluently add and subtract within 10.

  • I can create a known fact to help with another fact.

  • I can explain the meaning of an equal sign and determine if the equation is true or false.

  • I can add a two-digit number to a one-digit number, using a variety of strategies and explain the strategy used.

  • I can add a two-digit number to a multiple of 10, using a variety of strategies and explain the strategy used.

  • I can subtract 10 from a given number that is a multiple of 10 and explain the reasoning used.

Unit 11

What students are expected to do:

  • I can identify the hour hand and minute hand and distinguish between the two.

  • I can match time shown on a digital clock with an analog clock to the hour and half-hour (and vice versa).

  • I can read and write the time shown on a digital and analog clock to the hour and half-hour.

  • I can compare the lengths of two objects indirectly using a third (ex. If A is longer than B and B is longer than C, then A must be longer than C, without comparing directly) and explain how this conclusion can be made.

  • I can use the same size non-standard objects as repeating units.

  • I can measure length using a variety of non-standard units.

  • I can express the length of the measured object as a number.