
The Senate Podcast Committee developed episodes on body image and mental health.

The information in this podcast is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinions of any kind on behalf of Edmonton Public Schools. No one should act, or refrain from acting, based solely upon the information provided or referred to without first seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice.

Episode 7 - What is Student Senate.m4a

Jana Hamdalla (Eastglen)
Fiker Gelagay (M.E. LaZerte)

Episode 7

Learn about Student Senate and how you can get involved.

Episode 7 - Roop Akalirai.m4a

Roop Akalirai (W.P. Wagner)

Episode 8

In conversation with Malini Murthy, Counsellor at W.P. Wagner High School about sexual assault and sexual harassment. For additional information on this topic visit www.sace.ca.

Episode 9 - Men’s Mental Health and Societal Standards.m4a

Fiker Gelagay (M.E. LaZerte)
Bella Colangelo (Victoria)
Ethan Supina (Victoria)

Episode 9

A discussion about men's mental healthy and societal standards.

Episode 10 - Body Positivity .m4a

Amal Dubow (M.E. LaZerte)
Christiane Deumeni (Ross Sheppard)

Episode 10

A discussion about body positivity, health and media.